What is Birth Control – Family Planning Method - Smart Life -->

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What is Birth Control – Family Planning Method

Birth Control

What is birth control? Why is it necessary? Is it Genocide (killing)? There are many misconceptions about birth control in most countries all over the world, especially in Indo-Pak subcontinent and Arabian countries. Birth Control is generally considered a method of absolutely controlling and stopping the born of children which is bad and harmful. That is why, common people considered birth control a way of genocide, which is not true. The main aim of birth control is to switch over birth schedule by controlling pregnancy as and when desired.
Birth Control is the best Family Planning Method
Switch over your birth schedule to control pregnancy. (Photo by Chris Vaughan Griffiths)

Is Birth Control Genocide?

Some people who considered birth control a way of genocide are quite wrong. In this case, it may be considered genocide if a living being is killed. But birth control is a method to stop baby before its existence in universe. The creation of child is only possible when sperms meet with an egg of woman after intercourse. The process of birth control creates a boundary between sperms and egg collaboration. So the perception about birth control need to be changed and it should not be considered as genocide.
Suppose, if we consider sperms as living beings and its lost as genocide; it means the Nature is a great killer who destroys millions of sperms after several inter-courses of men and women, even then no pregnancy held. Being powerful sperms and discharged in millions, they also have ability to get it pregnant. In this case, destroying of millions sperms would be considered the death of hundred thousand living beings but it’s not. Birth control is a contraceptive method, not a genocide process.


An expert European writer says that real genocide is to born thousands of children with physical or mental disorder, illness and weakness. Some of them die in early age and those who survive would not be able to get proper education and training, even then earn their livelihood. Such category of children is a great burden to the nation and the country. Instead, such children are to be born who are healthy and they can get proper education and training, such children are helpful to the nation and country.
Contraceptive methods are mainly used to born a baby after 3–4 years instead of every year, or as and when desired. Such baby can grow fast, get proper education and come with his responsibilities.

How effective is Birth Control?

How to control fast growing poor generation?
Birth Control is better to stop poor Generation. (Photo by Akshaya Patra Foundation)
The importance of birth control can’t be overlooked due to fast growing poor generation all over the world. So it is imperative to develop a better generation by adopting birth control methods. In past, woman was considered only to adorn house but in current era woman is standing alongside the men, in all hobbies of life.
Today, a poor woman is working in factories and mills for livelihood. In these circumstances, pregnancy and its consequences are very painful for such women, because they have also to look-after their family after the job. But these women can’t pay full attention to their children. As a result, such children lose their basic education and training as well as proximity of their parents.
In recent past, many committees were established in Europe and America to provide consultation to women about the pregnancy and its consequences. In fact, these committees should be supported at government level. It is a unanimous decision of doctors that women have a bad effect on their health after getting pregnant and born baby frequently.
Sometimes, a lot of fatal diseases develop in women which may lead to death of mother or baby instantly at the time of delivery. But often some infectious and inherited diseases transfer from father to the children through mother; such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Epilepsy which further communicate to next generations. As a result, crippled, lame and sick children are born.
Birth control is the best method to overcome these diseases. The Birth Control Association in London decided to consider birth control as a part of Public Health Service to save lives of their people from devastating diseases in United Kingdom. These contraceptive methods are mounting fast in France, United Kingdom and United States as well. In these countries, private hospitals and institutions are open to provide guidance and consultation to the people about birth control. But these facilities are not available in poor countries where birth rate is very high.  
Remember! Children born weak after frequent pregnancies, and they also remain weak till adults. The weak the people physically or mentally, the weak the nation or country with poor culture and society. So family planning is only way to control birth rate and poverty as well as prevention from fatal congenital diseases. Some people consider birth control as genocide but I think, “Real genocide is to born a weak, sick or disabled child who can’t get feed full and proper growth”.
Birth control doesn’t mean to stop baby born but under control. You must born a baby after 3–4 years internal instead of every year. When mothers' health is good, financial position is strong and sufficient funds are available for bringing up, education and training of child, then you should decide to born the next baby.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some extraordinary concept of keeping tracks of time. I am just blown away by that idea of yours. It is also really important to follow a family balancing plan besides that.


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